Dust Mite Allergies - Protecting my Kids - Advice?
Carefree? Noway! I wish!
2007-03-04 05:47:13 UTC
My kids have dust mite allergys... there is so much to do to protect them against it. i want to start with there bedding..

i cant afford to buy new duvets, mattresses and pillows...

i researched on the net about Anti Allegy Covers. but there are SOOOO many available from so many companies!

which is best and a good price?? and that will help!

Anyone who is going through this or has gone through this.. i would be grateful for some tips! Thanks.
Twelve answers:
2007-03-04 05:59:57 UTC
Freezing pillows , kills the mites , and therefore stops them from defecating (pooing) , which is the actual thing that we ( yes me as well) , are allergic too. Wash the pillows etc as well....and perhaps rotate them , so that you can swap them around , every couple of days or so !

I may be wrong , but for me , the most important items on the list , are the pillows....then perhaps the quilts !

Let me know how you get on ""

I am actively researching new methods now.....with me as the "Guinea Pig" !
Peter and Sandy G
2007-03-04 09:15:15 UTC
I have had very bad dust allergies and it would trigger cold like symtoms, rash, itchy eyes, and asthma. I strongly recomend you get a hepa vaccuum. Any brand will do fine. I threw my rugs out. Too many stuffed animals are no good. Save the special ones (very few) and the others get rid of them. Clean the house when they leave for school or are not around. Remeber cleaning will throw a lot of dust in the air even if your careful so do it when they are gone. Open some windows while cleaning. Another good thing is to get a hepa air cleaner. Put it in there bedroom and in the living room is good too. I use a mattress cover it works great. I dont think the pillow cover is necessary. Just wash the pillow once a month and the memory foam pillows are great and go right in the wash. Stay away from down feathered pillows. Also if your furnace is forced air, (air blows out of a vent) Change the airfilter once every 2-3 months. Wash clothes in hot water. Cold water is a day at the beach for dustmites. If there is dust there are dustmites and I am sure they are allergic to dust as well.
2007-03-04 06:05:01 UTC
I too have this allegy. As far as mattress covers I don't use a special one. The one I have came from Pennys and seems to work pretty good. I do know that ya have to vacumm all the time, and the vacumm should be a good one with a filter. Also dust regularly. You can never get rid of all the mites, but keeping their numbers as low as possible is the best defense for your kids. An air purrifier can help too. Also if your kids already have breathing difficulty, be sure to keep them away from cigarrette smoke. It will only make the problem worse.

Good luck.
Carl-N-Vicky S
2007-03-04 06:03:14 UTC
Just remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have survived some forty years with that on my list of things that I am allergic to. Now when I see most people contacting colds and runny nose, I sit back and wonder where my runny nose went. Moral of the story is, My immune system has grown stronger over the years fighting these allergies off. If you know what they are allergic to Via. doctor testing, I'm sure there is more on that list then just Dust mites. My recommendation is plastic covers, they don't just chose the sheet to live in, they probably are having a carnival in that mattress as well.
2007-03-04 10:22:46 UTC
okay... so this last Friday, I was tested for dust mite allergies and I'm extremely allergic to them! I went to Walmart and bought some pillow covers from the company Aller-Ease for about $8 a cover... there are some cheaper ones though, but not as comfortable. The allergist recommeded me to wash my sheets, comfortor and any blankets and curtains at least one time a week in extremely hot water to kill the dust mites. Take up any carpeting or rugs in the bedroom and vaccum the hec out of them with a HEPA vaccuam. My allergist also suggested tanic acid (3% solution) to spray on couches, carpets... it helps neutralize the dust mites feces and them. You can get this at Walmart and they said it was called "Allergy Control" Also no stuffed animals should be around! Good luck to you! :)
Patricia S
2007-03-04 05:59:32 UTC
In addition to the other good advice from answerers, after you've thoroughly vacuumed your mattresses and stuffed furniture, use a spray formulated specifically for reducing the presence of dust mites.
2007-03-04 05:51:18 UTC
Go to Walmart and buy the pillow cases and mattress covers made for this purpose. Wash everything else in very hot water.
Erin W
2007-03-04 08:51:03 UTC
I would look for allergy proof covers to put over the matress and pillows because the website i went to Says IT works
2007-03-04 05:50:42 UTC
What you need to do is look at a website that sells lots of different types, try google to search for them, and then read the reviews about what is the best value for money. But to be honest even the basic cheap ones will help quite a lot!
2007-03-04 06:13:01 UTC
Try to buy or rent a Kirby machine, i am lucky my man works for a company and demonsrates them to people so he has a free one, it cleans ur matresses, floors and basically anything else!
2007-03-04 05:55:18 UTC
2007-03-05 14:12:27 UTC
Purchasing costly dust mite proof mattress covers, pads, and pillow slips are not the "end all, cure all" as promoted, nor are air purifiers, or even air filters. These products are aggressively marketed as solutions to the problem but are merely "band-aids" that do not attack the source (dust mites). For the sake of your kids, do not fall for these marketing tactics that are similar to the centuries old marketing ploy whereby; "this special box will turn lead (pollutants) into gold (fresh air)." Dust mites also live, thrive and breed in the "soft-furnishings" in our homes so you may need to ask the mattress pad salesperson what they sell to protect you from the dust mite allergens in your sofa and chairs!

Health organizations and governmental agencies have noticed the annual increases of asthma, asthma deaths (especially among children), and respiratory diseases among the U.S. population since 1980. All are in agreement that educating the public on their newest #1 concern, indoor air pollution, is of a far greater concern than outdoor air pollution. While EVERYONE is exposed to the ill-health effects to varying degrees, quite unfortunate is the fact that those persons who are most susceptible to the harmful effects of poor indoor air quality are those persons who spend over 90 to 95% of their lives indoors. This includes infants, toddlers, children less than 5 years of age, the elderly, and persons who are chronically ill. The EPA has just launched a campaign to educate the public. See their new website (

Combined with education (knowledge) the two most effective means of reducing indoor air pollution are:

Source Control, by far and without argument, eliminating or controlling the sources of indoor air pollution is the healthiest, most effective, and in the long run, the most cost-effective also. This involves becoming knowledgeable of household products and minimizing use of products that lead to poor indoor air quality. Employ good home-hygiene practices and improve housekeeping to control particulates. Reduce biological contaminants, including controlling moisture and humidity, and by cleaning/disinfecting wet or moist surfaces.

Ventilation, dilute and exhaust the indoor air through outdoor air ventilation. Methods include installing exhaust fans near the source of contaminants, opening the home to the outdoors when pollutant sources are being used, and increasing outdoor air flow in mechanical ventilation systems.

The no-cost info available in the ebook "76 Tips to Reduce Dust Mites and Indoor Allergens" has been compiled for those persons who do not have Home Indoor Allergen Control specialists in their area. Unfortunately, unlike Europe, Australia and SE Asia, there exists very, very few, professional mattress cleaning technicians in the U.S. Visit the following link for the most comprehensive list of tips available on the 'net.

Humans, in the comfort of their mattresses, pillows and bedding, provide an IDEAL micro-habitat (think little eco-system) for the dust mite to live, thrive and breed. Mattresses should be the #1 focus for allergen removal, not only because of the man-made ecosystem we provide, but also because our beds are where we spend most of our indoor hours. Bedrooms typically harbor the majority of the worst indoor air pollutants. When we come home from work, school, or play, we usually go straight to our bedrooms to change clothes. Our hair, clothing, coats, hats, shoes, all collect outdoor pollutants, pollen being #1, and are brought indoors, allowing our bedroom to become an inadvertant "dumping ground" of allergens.

The "energy saving" practices initiated in the late 1970's have worked well to conserve energy. Improved construction methods called for more "air-tight" buildings for homes, schools, and workplaces. The manufacturers' of hot water heaters also lowered the factory settings to 115 to 120 degrees F. to conserve energy.

However, the negative fallout resulted in less draftier buildings causing indoor pollutants to become trapped and accumulate year after year. Buildings were constructed with less natural ventilation and non-operable windows. Hence, "Sick Building Syndrome" became a well known term. With lower hot water temperature settings, "cold water" laundry detergent became prevalent.

The dust mite digestive system produces an enzyme called "guanine" Guanine, the potent and very harmful antigen produced by dust mites and found in their fecal pellets, secretions, eggs, molted exoskeletons and dead body pieces, is not water soluble. To kill dust mites in bedding and pillows by washing, the water temperature must be at least 130 degrees F. and 140 degrees F. is, of course, even more effective. Generally, but not always, commercial laundromats will have the necessary higher hot water settings, than will washing machines in homes.

An adult dust mite is 300 (male) to 400 (female) microns in size, eggs and fecal pellets are about 15- 20 microns in size. Dust mites go through six stages of life and molt with each stage. So really, dust mites range in size from 20 microns (a baby) up to 300 or 400 microns. The many other allergens found in mattresses, such as pollen, mold, mildew, spores, pet dander, shed human skin, bacteria and viruses are even much smaller.

These allergens are so light-weight that they easily become airborne. A dust mite can remain airborne for 15 minutes while the smaller allergens remain airborne for up to 2 hours. All activities, including simply "fluffing" a pillow, rolling over in bed (averages 50 to 60 times per night), walking across a room, or opening a door cause these microscopic allergens to become airborne and re-settle on everything throughout a home, including on top of your dust mite proof bedding and pillows.

The technological advances in air purification systems may seem fascinating but unfortunately the reality is that the vast majority (not all…but nearly all) of the air purifiers available to homeowners simply do not perform as claimed. If you are still insistent upon purchasing a home air purifier then do yourself a huge favor and take the time to research your multitude of options. Become familiar with the marketing buzzwords like unipolar ion emissions, photocatalytic oxidation, radiant catalytic ionization, high density stainless steel needle points, stainless steel plates, air ionizer, negative ions, dynamic air regenerator, activated carbon filters, activated oxygen, optional/programmable ozone, magnetic, infrared, and immune enhancers. This list is as long as the list of marketers “hawking” their product. The majority of air purifiers (cleaners) are advertised as silent “tabletop” units. Unfortunately, tabletop air purifying units move less air than the “outdoor air leakage rate” in a new, well insulated home. An air purifier that DOES move enough air will be the size of the largest microwave oven available for home use. Also, become familiar with the industry standard, Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) which, by law, is affixed to the air purifying unit. Know also that there is no air purifier endorsed by any government agency and the manufacturers' of same, cannot lay claim to their product(s) as "health" or "medical device" related.

Between dust mite matress pads, air purifiers and air filters...air filters (only use HEPA-rated) are the best option. They are costly and need maintenance or even replacement, monthly.

Please, as harsh as some of the info above may appear, do not become germophobic. Yes, become knowledgeable of what you can do to protect your children. Understand that a certain amount of exposure to allergens can actually build one's immunity to allergens...but should any complications arise, please seek proper medical advice. None of the above should be regarded as "medical advice".

Bottom line...attack the source of allergens, don't settle for a "band-aid."

Additional information, mostly concerning risks to children and the potential respiratory problems can be read at the link below:

Asthma, “Hidden” Asthma and Allergies at the following link:,-Hidden-Asthma,-And-Allergies-&id=430592

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.